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Cotton Seed Milk Powder (Paruthi Paal)

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MRP: Rs 900
Rs 800

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sku: p44 ┃ Status: Available in stock


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OtherNames: பருத்தி பால்

Product Category: Top Products

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Shipped From: Kalakkad, Tirunelveli.

A Product of Tharuvi
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Paruthi Paal is a very nutritious drink that is very much popular in the Tamil Nadu state of India. Paruthi Paal is regarded as “triple-nutrient” as it is a very rich source of protein, essential fatty acids, and sugars and can be called as an energy drink.

Cottonseed milk is a non-dairy milk alternative made from crushed cottonseeds.

Here are some of its potential health benefits:

  1. Rich in nutrients: Cottonseed milk is a source of essential nutrients such as protein, healthy fats, and vitamins.

  2. Good for heart health: Cottonseeds are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, It helps in improving heart health.

  3. Lactose-free: As it is derived from a plant source, cottonseed milk is suitable for those who are lactose intolerant.

  4. Good for skin: Cottonseed oil is rich in vitamin E, which is known for its skin-nourishing properties.

  5. Supports weight management: Cottonseed milk is low in calories and has a low glycemic index, which helps in managing weight.


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பருத்திக்கொட்டை, திணை, சுக்கு, ஏலக்காய்

பயன்படுத்தும் முறை:

200 மிலி தண்ணீருடன் ஒரு ஸ்டீபூன் பருத்திப்பால் பொடி சேர்த்து நாட்டுசர்க்கரை (அ) கருப்பட்டி சேர்த்து காய்ச்சி பருகவும்.

பயன்கள் :

சளி, அல்சர். உடல் சூடு மற்றும் உடல் பலகீனத்தை நீங்கி, எலும்பு, நரம்புகளை பலப்படுத்தும்

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100g- Rs 80

200g- Rs 160

500g- Rs 400

1kg- Rs 900 800

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Product code# p44


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